瑞士名廚 Daniel Humm 將在 Eleven Madison Park 餐廳啟動新設計,望賓客更享受用餐時光

編輯: Fen

瑞士名廚 Daniel Humm 將在其位於紐約市的餐廳 Eleven Madison Park 提供客人手機置放盒,希望同桌賓客用餐時專注於彼此的互動。「我們鼓勵大家享受並珍惜和親朋間相聚的時光。那些彼此交流的情景是餐廳最溫暖的畫面。」主廚 Humm 說。


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Just outside our windows we’ve seen so many inspiring artists partner with Madison Square Park for local installations over the years, and the current installation, by the amazing local NYC artist Arlene Shechet, is no exception. It’s titled “Full Steam Ahead” and invites people to look up and appreciate the present moment, away from their phones and other distractions. Inspired by her exhibit, we’ve brought a touch of this into our restaurant, with guests presented with a box which they can place their phones into, encouraging them to enjoy the company of those at the table, and be just a bit more present with one another. It’s been so amazing to see how guests have embraced this in the dining room. #elevenmadisonpark #makeitnice

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Eleven Madison Park 坐落於紐約市中心,餐廳俯瞰著曼哈頓最迷人的公園之一——麥迪遜廣場。公園裡因為藝術家的公共裝置而充滿奇趣,其中,近期的裝置藝術 Full Steam Ahead 是由紐約藝術家 Arlene Shechet 所設計,她常使用陶瓷或石膏等素材,取它們易塑型的特性,象徵面對死亡的坦然;同時,她的作品不使用骨幹,藉以傳達順應自然的精神。「分分秒秒,這些作品都在變化。」Shechet 曾表示。

主廚 Humm 受 Shechet 的作品啟發靈感,認同她鼓勵人們享受當下的想法,於是將此概念沿用到餐廳,藉由手機置放盒的做法,希望賓客藉機暫別行動裝置干擾,好好享用餐點以及與親朋相處時光。

Humm 在 Instagram 釋出這項消息時,得到許多回響,多數留言表示這是相當棒的點子,不過也有一些粉絲提出疑問,這樣他們要如何拍照留念?其實,手機保管的機制並非強制性,花幾大洋到高級餐廳反被約束行為自然不是 Humm 的意思。不過,留言中也有位先生表示他曾與愛妻在某次前往米其林三星餐廳用餐時,刻意將手機留在車內,那次用餐經驗讓他印象深刻,因此他深信那樣美妙的回憶深烙於心,根本不須由影像留念。


Eleven Madison Park Offers a Box to Stash Away Your Smartphone
‘Every Single Second It Changes’: Watch Sculptor Arlene Shechet Harness the Protean Power of Plaster
Instagram. danielhumm

編輯:Cindy Lo、Naomi Chen
圖:Instagram. danielhummKrista (CC BY 2.0)